February 23 Announcements
- TODAY @ 3:00pm College & Career Group meets.
- Tuesday mornings at 9:00. Women's Study "Faithful, The Covenant God from Eden to Eternity".
- Tuesday @ 6:30pm. GriefShare support group. Registration always open and is available on the Joy website.
- Tuesday at 6:30pm. "The Amazing Collection" study for women.
- Wednesday @ 6:30 pm: Life Groups for adults, Sr. Hi Youth Ministry, EPIC for middle school, AWANA for kids ages 4 to 5th grade and Nursery
- Pictures Needed. If you have pictures of church-related activities or events and would like to submit them for a 50th Anniversary Celebration slide show, please contact the church office. You can leave your hard copy photos with Robin (in the office). They will be scanned and returned to you. Or email digital photos to rbryant@joyfellowship.net
- March 9 @ 6:00pm Annual Business Meeting
- March 15 Church Work Day following Men's Breakfast. Cleanup and maintenance to prepare for 50th Anniversary Celebration
- March 30 50th Anniversary Celebration for the Church. Guest ministers founding pastor, George and Brenda Waller. Complimentary lunch followed by activities and fellowship.
- Coming in April: Adventures in Marriage. Meets Mondays @ 6:00pm April 14-May 19. Registration info coming soon.
- New to Joy? Take a moment to fill out the blue card that is located on the back center wall. Place the card in the offering box so we can connect with you! Or you can scan the QR code on the blue form to fill out the information online. Also, please accept a gift bag from us. Bags are located on the back table.